Damage System

The Damage System in The Stickverse works as follows:

Every Being has 4 Stats: Attack (Atk), Defense (Def), Magic Power Level (MPL) and Max Health

Atk, Def and Max Health can be increased by either collecting Items, equipping Weapons/Armor or increasing the MPL

The Base Damage is 40. Base Damage is applied, if the Attackers Atk is the same as the Targets Def. If it is not the same, then the following Calculation is applied: 

40 * 2^(Atk-Def)

This means that (for example) if Person A has 7 Atk/Def and Person B has 6 Atk/Def, B will take 80 Damage from A, but A will take 20 Damage from B. 

Atk and Def are usually equal to the MPL, but with Training or special Abilities it is possible to exchange Atk for Def or Def for Atk.